The Institute of Kurdish Studies is dedicated to researching and promoting Kurdish culture, language, and history. It regularly publishes materials on various topics, including books, journals und research reports. These publications offer a wide range of information for both interested individuals and experts who wish to learn more about Kurdish culture and its development. Thus, the Institute of Kurdish Studies contributes to promoting understanding and appreciation of Kurdish culture and making a valuable contribution to cultural diversity and education.
Hasankeyf und seine Zukunft. Todesurteil für einen Kulturschatz.
Keşkûla kurmancî
13 rûpelên balkêş ji dîroka gelê kurd
Mesele û met’elokên gelê k’urd
Şêxê Sen’anîya (Feqîyê Teyran)
Sêxiştîyên kurmancî (Xorasan)
Seyfulmuluk. (Siyahpush, Poem)
Sîyahpûş. (Seyfulmuluk, Poêm)
Warum das Kamel beleidigt war (Kurdisch-Deutsch Lesebuch)